Sluggish Reaction: The Acolyte (episode 2)

I’m all caught up now! I’ve really enjoyed this so far. I’d say overall I enjoyed the first episode more but this one moved things forward and set up the main premise – that Mae is hunting the Jedi who are all linked to her past.

Seeing a local Jedi temple was cool as it’s something we’ve only really seen in additional media. I do wish the temple had a bit more of a standout visually as it just seemed to be another building on the street but it had some cool interiors

Mae trying to penetrate Torbiun’s force-shield was a cool sequence and the reference to the Barash Vow from the comics was a nice nod

I like that Vernestra agreed with Sol and that Mae’s presence on Olega confirmed Osha’s innocence. I’m glad this series is avoiding the TV trope of the plot being driven by people making stupid decisions and we aren’t wasting 5 episodes on everyone accusing Osha

Qimir is a fun character. I love Manny Jacinto and hearing him say ‘We’re in Star Wars, baby!’ was a highlight of Celebration. Like many others I definitely think there’s more to this character, he definitely has a dislike for the Jedi at the very least.

Osha and Sol’s interactions continue to be heartwarming. I liked the moment when she thought he was judging her for her tattoo and he replies saying it doesn’t matter what he thinks. She doesn’t owe him anything – and he doesn’t judge her for leaving the Jedi

Torbin taking the poison willingly was unexpected, we know we’ll see him again in flashbacks thanks to the trailers so it’s just a matter of time before finding out why he felt the need to take his life

The situation with it looking like Osha had murdered Torbin had me rolling my eyes and thinking ‘oh, here we go!’ but again it was resolved quickly with Yord having done the smart thing and kept an eye on Osha.

The confrontation with Qimir felt a little rushed. It seemed like the Jedi should have pushed harder to find out who ‘He’ is rather than seeming to buy Qimir’s idiot act

The confrontation between Mae and Sol was pretty fun. Again, it had mostly been spoiled by trailers and clips but I liked that Sol was treating it as an interrogation not a duel and how Mae was trying to kill him without a weapon to follow the directives of Darth Smiley

Seeing Osha’s conflict with seeing Mae was unexpected. I expected the plot to go with her siding with Mae over the Jedi but instead she has hatred for her sister and shoots at her. I get the sense that even if her blaster wasn’t configured for stun she still would have taken the shot.

And then Kelnacca. The reveal fel a little flat for me as it was obviously going to be him but for casual viewers seeing a Wookiee Jedi must have been a cool sight!

I really like the setting and I’m intrigued to see where the story goes. See you next week!!

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