Sluggish Reaction: The Acolyte (episode 3)

Episode 3 of The Acolyte was…ok. I guess it gave some useful backstory but the story just never got going for me – I was waiting for a link to the ‘present’ storyline or a hint at the actions that caused May to hunt the Jedi but instead we got a relatively linear story with details we more or less knew already. Not bad, was just hoping for more and it seems an odd pause as the mystery thriller ramped up in episodes 1 and 2.

The opening scene with Osha and then Mae manipulating these cute creatures with the force was interesting and showed their dynamic. Both are powerful in the force but have different attitudes towards it.

I expected Koril to be a background character but it was cool to see another alien in a significant role. I thought her dynamic with the girls was interesting, but it seems to be mainly focused on the appearance of the Jedi.

The Coven seem interesting. I like the idea of the ‘thread’ which seemed to be represented by an almost literal thread of energy and how all their movements seem to be representing pulling thread. I do wish we’d seen a bit more of their weird and wacky abilities, like possessing Torbin, but most of their powers seemed to be Jedi abilities done with weird hand gestures.

The fortress was a cool location, looking like a dam built into a mountain. I like that they didn’t go with the trope of an ancient fortress but that it had technology in the walls.

We get a bit of info about the Coven but not much. We know they were hunted, I almost wonder if it was the Jedi but then they would likely have shown more animosity if that was the case. Also we learn a bit about the twins. I don’t believe they were a vergence in the force like Anakin – my current theory is that the girls are clones of Aniseya, which would explain why a Zabrak could give birth to human twins.

The arrival of the Jedi was tense and it was interesting to hear that training Force-sensitive children is illegal under Republic law. It seems like the Jedi are antagonistic towards the coven, but the children gives them leeway to intrude.

Again, Sol’s interactions with Osha are just wonderful and Sol continues to be the most likeable and captivating character

Torbin’s eyes turning black was a cool moment and I wanted to see more of this from the coven – more out there and forbidden practiced of the force.

I like the Jedi outpose with their Polan and the cool speeder bike. Osha getting to know Kelnacca was cute too.

It’s clear that the Jedi are already beginning to rely on midichlorian counts as Torbin gives her a ‘blood test’.

The scene with Sol testing Osha as he realises that she is deliberately failing the test and how he convinces her to tell the truth and decide what she wants for herself was great.

It was interesting to see Aniseya be open to Osha choosing her own path and not wanting to hold her back even if it meant peril for the coven.

But it is Mae’s attachment – the ultimate exampe of it leading to the dark side as she’d rather keep her sister in death than let her go – that causes the tragedy, or at least appears to.

Yeah, these witches did not die in a fire – we have more to learn here. I was just hoping we’d get some of it in this episode.

This was the part where I expected it to jump to the present storyline so seeing kid Osha threw me a bit. Maybe it’s all my expectations holding me back. I’m sure in the context of the full series I’ll have a more favourable look on this episode but for now I’d still categorise it as… fine.

Looking forward to digging into the mystery again next week!

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