Sluggish Reaction: The Acolyte (episode 4)

After a slow change of pace last week The Acolyte is back on track with a fun adventure building and revealing more mystery. I am back on board with this series!

Kelnacca seems obsessed with the symbols form the witches Coven – there’s definitely more to tell from the backstory

I liked Jecki’s interactions with Osha, I’m still not super-loving her character. Nothing against her at all, she just isn’t egelinbg for me the way I thought she would.

Nice to see some detail on Mae’s ship, the Exile II

I love Manny Jacinto!!! I agree with most theories that he is probably the guy behind the mask, he is definitely steering Mae towards the Sith’s agenda every time and he’s certainly more than the buffoon act he puts on.

The Jedi operations room was a fun set. I love that they’re tackling the Ki-Adi Mundi plot point head-on by including him in the series. Based on Vernestra’s dialogue I think we’ll see how he was deliberately kept in the dark. Also I want to know more about ‘splinter orders’!

Bazil!! Seeing a live-action Tynan was awesome and I really loved the character, especially his relationship with Yord. Yord is the standoffish, by-the-book type but he’s the one who bothered to learn Bazil’s langiuage and build a relationship with him.

Osha awakening the beasts was cool but a little spoiled by trailers

Mae flipping on Qimir and planning on surrendering to the Jedi was a twist I did not see coming!

I was also not expecting to see Kelnacca murdered off-screen. We know there’s more to his story from the trailers but still I was hoping to see him in action this episode

But his murder sets up to prove that Darth Smiley is a villain to be feared. I wasn’t convinced by the mask when I first saw it but it definitely had the right effect in this scene. We don’t know anything about this character but he presents as gleefully anticipating the destruction he is about to cause. I like the Kylo-Ren stylings on the helmet design.

And then the shot we’ve seen a bazillion times but it was still cool. It took me back to seeing this for the first time in Celebration and eveyrone going nuts!!

I cannot wait for episode 5!!!

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