Species of the week: Wookiee

Designation: Sentient

Homeworld: Kashyyyk

Notable members: Chewbacca, Krrsantan, Kelnacca

Fandom: Star Wars

Tall bipeds covered in thick fur, Wookiees hail from the deeply forested world of Kashyyyk. Their beastlike appearance and the barking sounds of their language Shyriwook, mean that thye are often underestimated as primitives by ignorant beings. The Wookiees are a technologically advanced race, known for their hyperspace navigation guild, though they prefer to craft with natural materials, and have let the forests of their home, which they regard as sacred, largely untouched.

Wookiees are strong and durable able to sustain wounds that would incapacitate or kill other beings. They are known for their powerful rage, and for ripping enemies arms out of their sockets, but they are an honourable race and any Wookiee seen using their claws for combat is exiled from society. The Wookiees are prized for their strength and their galactic neighboursd the Trandoshans often hunted their larger neighbours for glory and sold them as slaves to the Empire.

Wookiees are long-lived, with their life span reaching several centuries. This gives them a different perspective on time to other beings, meaning that Chewbacca was comfortable spending decades away from his family to fulfil his life-debt to Han Solo.

Was looking for species from The Acolyte to cover and just realised I’d never done Wookiee before!!

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