Species of the Week: Kree

Designation: Sentient

Homeworld: Hala

Notable members: Ronan, Mar-Vell,

Fandom: Marvel

Appearances: Captain Marvel, Guardians of the Galaxy, Agents of SHIELD

One of the most powerful races in the universe for millenia the Kree built a vast Empire, conquering and incorporating other species into their society and are frequently at war with other races, such as the Skrulls. They are typically blue-skinned but it is not uncommon to see Kree with black skin or even pale skin resembling a caucasian human. Despite being technologically advanced they were evolutionarily stagnant, leading them to experiment on ancient humans, creating the superpowered Inhumans in an attempt to kick-start their own evolution.

A friend lent me The Marvel Book and I enjoyed reading about the Kree and their development. I’d always wondered why, if they could create superpowered humans, they didn;t then possess the same power themselves. It was good to finally get an answer.

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