So… I watched Wonder Woman 1984

The second movie about the Amazonian warrior is on Prime so I caught up with it and it was… well it was!

What’s it about?

After a brief intro showing a young Diana who learns that winning at any cost isn’t winning. Cut to 1984 where she works for the Smithsonian while occasionally busting up robberies as a hobby.

Diana meets Maxwell Lord, who has acquired the ability to grant wishes. She is reunited with Steve but begins to lose her powers, while another researcher who envied her gains her powers but begins to transform into a monster. Maxwell’s wishes cause chaos across the Earth and Diana must give up everything to stop him.

Worth watching?

Umm…no! If you want to watch all of DC you’ve probably watched this already and it was just weird. First off Diana doing a bunch of very public heroics undermines the mystery set up in BvS and the it was so full of plot holes that the story leaked out!! Pedro Pascal was an interesting villain but the ending was just so chaotic I couldn’t buy into it

Cool stuff

Maxwell Lord

A failing oil tycoon, Maxwell Lord obtained the ancient Dreamstone which allowed him to grant any wish and take power for himself in return. The effect took a physical toll on his body and caused devastation when he granted millions of wishes simultaneously. To save his son Maxwell eventually let go of his power, restoring the world.


Barbara Minerva was a shy researcher who was overlooked by her make colleagues. Wishing to be like attractive and confident Diana she unintentionally gained her powers. Seeking more power she transformed into a living predator until her wish was reversed.

Sluggish Reaction: The Mandalorian (Chapter 18)

Wow! While I may have had mixed feelings about he last episode I LOVED this one!! Great action, more Mandalorian lore and a HUGE surprise at the end. Awesome stuff!!

The opening scene on Mos Espa was fun. I loved the fireworks and the two landspeeders playing podracing in the streets!

Peli is the best, her speaking Jawaese was hilarious!! Her convincing Din to take R5-D4 instead of IG-11 when R5 is falling apart and clearly doesn’t want to go!!

(If you want to know more about R5-D4’s origins I’m working on an article all about it for Star Wars News Net – I’ll update when it’s live )

Seeing the devastated Mandalore was quite spectacular – definitely a new visual feel to a Star Wars planet

R5 is hilarious! He just doesn’t want to go, and is more than justified!! I just noticed that Peli did at least give him a paint job and fix up his bustsed part before she sent him off with Din!

The Alamites were really cool and it’s always a bonus to have a new species actually named on screen!!

The one part that didn’t quite click for me was the exploration of the caves. I just found Din’s dialogue to be a little robotic and it wasn’t as exciting as I’d hoped. I preferred it when we got the rehash with Bo-Katan who had better dialogue in my opinion.

Monster robot!!! I was definitely not expecting that!! It was really creepy but definitely still felt like it belonged in Star Wars. I wonder how many other Mandalorians have travelled home only to be captured by this thing!

And then it turns out to be a humanoid droid inside it who turns out to be an organic being who turns out to be just the head!! This was a cool threat and kept you guessing the whole time. I’m guessing it’s harvesting fluids from sentients to feed on. I wish we knew more but as it’s still on the loose we might bump into it again next week.

Bo-Katan is still sulking on Kalavala but no one can resist a cry for help from Grogu! It was cool seeing her fighter in action as well as getting her insights into life of Mandalore.

Getting to see Bo-Katan in action was amazing – using her whipcord to force-pull the Darksaber to her and wielding it with ease unlike Din to take out the alien.

The living waters was very interesting to me. Seeing Din’s approach made me rethink the ceremony. I feel like bathing in the lvinig waters was just a sign of ‘starting again’. If someone breaks with the creed they are no longer Mandalorian but they can start all over just like a tyoung initiate. But over time, and especially after the purge, layers of superstition got added to the ritual.

And…then…there’s a…living…breathing…stinkin’ MYTHOSAUR!!! I mean, part of me thought it might happen after Kuill name-dropped them in Chapter 1 but actually seeing one was one of the biggest woah moments in a series that has delivered plenty!!

This has huge implications going forward. Taming a Mythosaur would definitely qualify one for the position of Mandalore which would make things interesting depending on whether Din or Bo-Katan (or both) tame the beast! Also I’m calling it that Chapter 19 will be called ‘The Mythosaur’ – whatever it is I can’t wait!!!!!

Species of the week: Anzellan

Designation: Sentient

Notable members: Babu Frik

Fandom: Star Wars

Appearances: The Rise of Skywalker, The Mandalorian

Anzellans are a species known for their talents in engineering and droid repair. Standing only a few inches tall, most species tower over them but their small stature gives them the ability to see minute details that larger species cannot perceive naturally.

I loved seeing Anzellans again in Star Wars!!!

Species of the week: Anzellan

Designation: Sentient

Notable members: Babu Frik

Fandom: Star Wars

Appearances: The Rise of Skywalker, The Mandalorian

Anzellans are a species known for their talents in engineering and droid repair. Standing only a few inches tall, most species tower over them but their small stature gives them the ability to see minute details that larger species cannot perceive naturally.

I loved seeing Anzellans again in Star Wars!!!

Sluggish Reaction: The Mandalorian (Chapter 17)

The Mandalorian is back!!! The first episode was great, but at the same time I wouldn’t say I loved it. Each individual scene was great but it felt like it just bounced between them without much sense of purpose. However, it’s just the beginning and I am still so excited to see where this series goes!!

I was totally fooled into thinking this was a young Din flashback, which I assume was the intention. I loved seeing all these Mandalorians (I counted around 40) in all their individual armour and colour styles. Seeing the initiation was great, with the younger Mandalorians and their helmets standing behind their fully armoured elders. I love everything new we’re learning about the Mandalorians and their culture!

And then we get the obligatory first-episode monster!! This scene was so over-the-top I loved it!! It was great to see all the Mandalorians in action, using their jetpacks and gizmos to try take the beast down. One detail I really liked was when the Armorer charges in but her first action is to help a downed friend

This scene felt a little flat to me. I guess the point was to show the planet might not be poisoned, giving Din fresh hope but it just all felt like a rehash of their conversation in The Book of Boba Fett

This scene was just lovely! I know the Purrgill are a Rebels callback and likely a set up for Ashoka but I prefer to enjoy it on its own, showing that there’s always something amazing and beautiful out there in the Galaxy

Nevarro is definitely looking slick as as the ‘High’ Magistrate! I love the little droids carrying his cape!!

The pirate encounter was fun. While I wasn’t worried about Din and Greef, having the encounter take place at a school built the tension. The Nikto pirate was cool, I hope we see him again

The scene with IG-11 booting up then reverting to default settings was fun as he’s still a threat even missing most of his limbs!!

But this is where it falls down a bit for me. Firstly I was fine with IG-11’s story being over and found it a bit unrealistic that they were able to recover so much after he self-destructed. I also didn’t find it convincing that Din could repair him so quickly when others had failed.

Also I don’t know why he is so adamant about repairing him. I get that a droid would be handy to see if the planet is poisoned but he has other options (such as explorer droid BD-72) to help him search for the mines and it seems like he’s being unnecessarily stubborn about this.

Anzellans!! I love Babu Frik and it was awesome to see more of his kind. Grogu’s antics with them were hilarious!!

Getting a dogfight in Star Wars again was…yay!! I like the design of the pirate starfighters and the whole thing was so cool. A cool detail was Din’s torpedoes looking the same as Anakin’s in The Phantom Menace

We’d briefly seen this new ship in the trailer but it was awesome seeing it in all it’s glory. It definitely looks like it took some inspiration from the Eclipse while still having an original feel.

Pirate King Gorian Shard is… new! At first I was a bit taken aback but the design is growing on me. I suspect he and his crew will be an annoying thorn in Mando’s side as he deals with more important threats.

I love the warthog first mate too!!

More Mandalorian lore is awesome so seeing this castle was really exciting. I loved the droid sentry with the Mandalorian design on the chest plate

And we end with a grumpy Bo-Katan who is sulking after losing out on the Darksaber. There has to be more to her story and I can’t wait to find out what it is!!!